Compilation of four videos: And the language is poured on him, Nuclear Winter, Copy of a copy of a copy and Do you see the resemblance, for residency 11:11.
خليجنا واحد // Our Gulf is One is a collection of four experimental films that respond to John Feeney's 1974 documentary, Kuwait, with a layered exploration of Kuwaiti identity, memory, and futurism. In his documentary, Feeney asks, “In the years ahead what of the dark will remain, and what of the light will pass away?”. This question becomes central to the work. This body of work re-imagines moments from Kuwait’s history, reflecting on loss, collective memory, and resilience in the face of uncertain futures.
Together, these films engage with an ever-moving genealogy that rejects fixed beginnings and endings, instead invoking fragments and traces of Arab futurism. The body of work envisions an emergent future grounded in counter-histories, reimagining Kuwaiti identity and unity across generations.